Integra Ideas

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Add more Order Status like Anytime, Quote, Phone First

Anytime status [? icon symbol] to show this load can be sent anytime during the day. A Quote status [Q icon] this way a quick quote could be saved to order field, not ticketable, just a quote so when the caller confirms order it can be switched to actual order for those who call checking for quick prices. This type of status should also be optional to be at bottom of stack or even a differant color so not to confuse dispatchers what or type of order it is. Not only will save a dispatcher time, but the quoted price will be correct no matter who gets the return caller or walk in, when they confirm that priced quote. This type of order could also be used for Bids and could be easily found by dispatchers to create orders from bids. Phone First or Call Ahead status [maybe a colored arrow? icon] to show the customer wants to be call BEFORE the load is loaded to be sent. Not a WIll Call or Will Go I consider those differant, and I think these stauses would explain to every dispatcher involved what each staus means.

  • Jon Frantz
  • Jan 28 2022
  • Attach files
  • Wesley Blalock commented
    February 02, 2022 10:52

    We would like a Work In status as well for orders that we are trying to fit in if the schedule changes or that are requesting left over concrete.