Integra Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the Integra product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

Any thoughts to the ETA in TrackIt updating the ETA in Integra? I believe the ETA in Integra is currently based on the estimated travel time.

Any thoughts to the ETA in TrackIt updating the ETA in Integra?  I believe the ETA in Integra is currently based on the estimated travel time.

  • Ed Aquino
  • Oct 1 2019
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Steve Browne commented
    October 21, 2022 11:44

    Travel ETA is coming out in 2 Phases. 2022.2 allows Dispatch to see the Travel ETA on the Order and displays the Travel ETA on the Truck token when the truck is in the To Job and Returning statuses. This is available today for General Release. 2022.3 will show the Travel ETA on upcoming Orders allowing dispatchers to compare scheduled travel time vs Travel ETA just before Ticketing. 2022.3 should be available for Early Release in November.

  • Wesley Blalock commented
    November 11, 2020 21:43

    Ideally, I would like to see an option to use that info from Trackit to not only update the dispatch screen but also update the drive time in the order and/or job.

  • Keith Onchuck commented
    October 03, 2019 12:08

    I would like to see this supported with Digital Fleet as well.  It has the current ETA based upon traffic and should be passed to the truck stack on the dispatch screen.