Integra Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the Integra product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

Accounts Receivable Aging Detail by Location report to include order description.

We would like for the accounts receivable aging detail by location report to also include order description.   The box is there, but is grayed out.  Integra has some really nice reports, but seems like you can't get just one report to give you the information you need.  The accounts receivable aging detail report will include the order description, but will not break by location.  We would like to have one report to break by location AND include order details.  We send our locations a list of what is open on their cod accounts (which should be nothing at all, but isn't) and it would help if the aging detail by location included the order description.  It just gives a quick look of what is out there.  

  • Becky Halsey
  • Feb 26 2020
  • Attach files
  • Sue Conckus commented
    March 06, 2020 19:19

    Hi Becky,

    Thank you for sending in this idea.

    Take care,

    Sue Conckus