Integra Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the Integra product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

Provide ability to restrict extra products

Enhance product restriction functionality to include extra products.


Open question related to the level at which restrictions would be set:

  1. At the customer level, restrict extra products to a specific mix.
  2. At the customer level, restrict extra products that can be used regardless of the mix selected.
  3. At the job level, restrict extra products to a specific mix.
  4. At the job level, restrict extra products that can be used regardless of the mix selected
  5. At the product level, designate extra products that pull into the order automatically when the mix is selected.

If voting for this item, please comment to indicate which restriction level would be most beneficial and include a business scenario if possible.

  • Janeen O'Dell
  • Jun 29 2018
  • Attach files
  • Brandon Luchene commented
    December 13, 2018 15:03

    I can't edit my post, so pardon the spam. The ability to restrict *extra products* at any level.

  • Brandon Luchene commented
    December 13, 2018 15:02

    Also, the ability to restrict products at any level would be much better than what we currently have. This exact request has come up a number of times in our org and would've saved us money when someone used CC on a NCA only job.

  • Brandon Luchene commented
    December 12, 2018 21:17

    We would like the ability to restrict products and extra products at the Work Type, independent of Job or Customer. We have certain products that we do not allow to be used on certain work types. Or certain work types to use a specific mix or extra product. We'd like to control it at the work type level and not at the customer/job level.